Last English Tea Time of the school year

Why is the new Barbie movie both funny and enlightening about sexism? Why are some movie plots just too difficult to explain – but great to watch? Why is it interesting to watch Japanese movies in the original language with subtitles? Why has the Marvel universe become so complicated?

If you are interested in the answers to these questions or have opinions on them you would have felt right at home at this week's last English Tea Time of the school year. We had a really nice time chatting about our favourite movies, eating biscuits and drinking tea - and making Mrs Felis feel very old as the only one in the room who still owns DVDs.

We all got some wonderful film recommendations and also collected some great ideas for next year's editions: We are looking forward to your ideas about art, music and AI next. We'll let you know when and where we'll meet next school year.

Thank you to all the pupils who joined our English Tea Time editions this year. We're looking forward to seeing you again!


Ms Vogt, Ms Kubach, Ms Felis
